The Nice Boy

Nice to meet you. Have a nice day!

Sweet Dude!

Be ready to be converted to Christophorism! Welcum to all who hail from far and wide and peace you!

Friday, February 2, 2007

Update this blog!

Man, I'm taxed.

I'm want to update my blog but I need time. I need space.

Most of my online time, as well as typing time, is devoted to forums. I'm more of a forum guy than a blog guy, I guess.

Paragraph after paragraph of forum-ing, sigh. I love it there! I feel that I could express better through forums than through blogs!

Mainly in these forums I don't rant on about myself, of course. Just my views on the same subject that everyone's talking about, the same subject that the forum was made for. And my fellow forum members are able to relate and empathise with me.

Furthermore, there's more inter-personal interaction, you know. I guess I like to get close, personal and maybe even intimate, hahax. There are actually so many kinds of people out there, you know? From the young and childish to the experienced, as well as the occasional ignorant redneck. Sorry, but I don't mean to offend or stereotype.

I feel that somehow, both blogs and forums are good but eventually each is bound to fall out with each other. You know, like conflict of interests?

There's a serious flaw with blogs. Many bloggers post pics of themselves and rant on about their lives and experiences as if I was interested. As if YOU were interested, hahax. I mean, a blog is supposed to be a journal and not supposed to entertain, right? But eventually there's gonna be some expectations. People visit a blog and actually expect the blog to entertain. But in the first place, as said before, a blog is a journal and doesn't have to entertain!

You see, it's human nature, and a classic example of self-importance. People visit a blog and immediately demand to be entertained. Otherwise, they click 'close tab/window'. Hahax.

And not to forgot to mention,many bloggers are narcissists. Or in extreme cases, exhibitionists, lol! I think 'pretty face' or 'scanty spicy' blogs are good, but the way the blogs are being 'layout' is like some advertisement for these folks. They're vain and I don't wanna probe any deeper. I'll just stay where I am, thank you.

Forums, aren't entirely good either. I was educated in British English but exposed a lot to American media. So many forums use American programs and my 's' have to be all changed to 'z' and I have to delete most 'r', like in color and favorite.

But the nice thingy with forums is acting. I like to pass off as American. It's so easy, ya' dig? Hahax.

But ya' know who I am - the nice guy.

Sunday, January 7, 2007

First Bite

Take a bite and taste the brand new 'Chris' flavor. Comes in just that flavor, though.